Did your holiday party go off with a bang this year? Are you wondering who is going to be cleaning up all the debris left in the wake of this most anticipated of holiday traditions? Well the simple answer is to leave it to the professionals like our office building cleaning services inland empire. We can attest that cleaning up in the aftermath of those holiday celebrations can be quite the chore. Here are some of the biggest post-holiday party cleanup challenges.


  • Water rings: Be it beer, a cocktail, glass of wine, punch or water, water rings can quickly form on many kinds of surfaces during your holiday party. Wood items are particularly vulnerable as removing water from wood can be challenging for amateurs. We advise you to clean up water rings as quickly as possible before lasting damage is done. If the damage seems too great, call us for office cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning in Riverside, CA.
  • Carpet stains: Wine and carpets are an unfortunate combination at many holiday office parties. Unfortunately, one can almost guarantee that if there is a carpet present someone will spill wine on it. If this is the case, you should engage someone who can remove these kinds of stains and also do deep cleaning.
  • Ornaments: Left over pine needles, tinsel, bulbs, etc., can make the aftermath of your party look as if a tree exploded in your office. Give your office a once over after the festivities have ended. We can also find and clean those hidden spots in your office where these kinds of leftover decorations can fall.
  • The microwave: One of the most abused appliances in any office is the microwave. This is especially the case during office celebrations.
  • Pots, Pans and Casserole Dishes: Many people opt to simply leave these items soaking until everyone returns from the holidays. There are many tips on the Internet for cleaning these items using vinegar, bleach, cornstarch etc.

In short, as much fun as holiday office parties can be, they can produce some formidable messes. You can opt to go the DIY route but if you want to make sure that your office is thoroughly cleaned you will engage the services of a reliable company such as ours. Happy holidays from the folks at Executive Services.